GIS Division History and Context
Winnebago County began using GIS technology in the mid 1980s, demonstrating success with projects such as the modernization of tax parcel mapping. Seeing a critical need for a modern land records system, the county created the Land Records Program in 1989. It was later expanded to include representatives from each of the county’s 21 municipalities, with Winnebago County as the lead agency. One year after its formation, a project plan was presented to modernize the county’s land records, using geographic information system technology. This project became known by the acronym "WINGS".
The LRC was revised and renamed the Winnebago County Land Information Council (LIC) in 2010 to reflect a change in the Wisconsin State statutes 59.72(3m). The LIC also participates in the development and approval of the Land Information Plan that is used to coordinate the modernization of land information.
The WINGS project demonstrates how local government agencies have shared resources to make their vision of a common landbase a reality, on schedule and within budget. WINGS also gives them the connectivity to bridge the "islands of information" that have existed in public agencies throughout the county. Through cooperation, the communities of Winnebago County are able to provide better service while saving taxpayer dollars.
GIS Program Areas
The Geographic Information Systems Division supports GIS activities within the County organization through the application of geographic information systems (GIS) technology. This technology allows any type of spatially referenced information to be stored, analyzed and reproduced. The GIS Division works in four program areas: Data Maintenance, Mapping, GIS Application Development (including web) and end-user support, and Program Administration and Development.
GIS Benefits