Birth to Three services are based on seven key principles:
- Infants and toddlers learn best through every day experiences and interactions with familiar people in familiar contexts.
- All families, with necessary supports and resources, can enhance their child’s learning and development.
- The primary role of the service provider in early intervention is to work with and support the family members and caregivers in a child’s life.
- The early intervention process, from initial contacts through transition, must be dynamic and individualized to reflect the child’s and family members’ preferences, learning styles and cultural beliefs.
- IFSP outcomes must be functional and based on a child’s and family’s needs and priorities.
- The family’s priorities, needs and interests are addressed most appropriately by a primary provider who represents and receives team and community support.
- Interventions with young children and family members must be based on explicit principles, validated practices, best available research and relevant laws and regulations.
There is a primary coach assigned to each family who provides supports and resources to assist families and caregivers in promoting child learning during everyday activities in their home and community.