Frequently Asked Questions
What number do I call for emergencies?
What number do I call for non-emergencies?
What are your office hours?
Our office hours are Monday through Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm. The non-emergency numbers are answered 24 hours a day by our dispatchers who can send an officer out to you.
Where is the Sheriff's Office?
We are located just off Hwy 41 at 4311 Jackson St., Oshkosh, WI 54901.
How do I get a copy of a police report?
You can get a copy of a report from our Records Division by clicking on the link and e-mailing the information needed. You can also request a records check and request information on a parking ticket on the same page.
How do I get a copy of my driving record?
You must request a copy of your driving record from the Department of Transportation. In Oshkosh, the Department of Transportation office is located at 2301 Omro Rd., Oshkosh (920)235-6370. In the Neenah/Menasha area the office is located at 720 W. Northland Ave., Appleton (920)832-2723.
What are the road conditions?
During the winter months, you can get information on road conditions in Wisconsin by calling 1-800-ROADWIS (1-800-762-3947).
How do I get a Restraining Order?
Restraining Orders and Small Claims actions begin at the Clerk of Courts office in the Courthouse, 415 Jackson St., Oshkosh. For more information regarding restraining orders call (920) 236-4848 or (920) 727-2880 ext 4848. For more information regarding small claims actions call (920) 236-4858 or (920) 727-2880 ext 4858.
Where do I pay my fine?
Most traffic and ordinance fines can be paid at the Clerk of Courts office, Room 423 in the Courthouse. If you have a question about your citation please follow this link.
How can I get fingerprinted for an application?
Fingerprints for an application are done at the Winnebago County Courthouse located at 415 Jackson St. Oshkosh, WI. You must make an appointment ahead of time by calling (920) 236-4906. There is a $10.00 fee for fingerprints which must be paid by credit card at the time of the service. Cash and checks are not accepted.
What are the visiting rules in the Jail?
Visiting rules for the Jail and Work Release Unit can be found on the Corrections Division Web Page.
How do I set up to serve my time as a Huber?
Contact the Huber Coordinator Howard Manthey at (920) 232-1915. Once you have set up your appointment, you can print out all of the forms needed for Huber and/or Electronic Monitoring (GPS). Fill in all the information and bring the entire packet with you to your appointment.