The National Crime Prevention Coalition of America states that Crime Prevention is a pattern of attitudes and behaviors directed both at reducing the threat of crime and enhancing the sense of safety and security to positively influence the quality of life in our society and to help develop environments where crime cannot flourish.
The Winnebago County Crime Prevention Fund is a new endowment fund established to provide lasting financial support for crime prevention activities throughout Winnebago County. The Fund is an initiative of the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation and the following law enforcement agencies: Neenah, Menasha, Omro, Oshkosh, Town of Menasha, and Winneconne Police Departments; Winnebago County Sheriff's Office, the Winnebago County District Attorney's Office; and the Winnebago County Executive.
An independent citizen advisory committee governs the Crime Prevention Fund. Each year the committee recommends financial support for effective crime prevention programs in Winnebago County. The Fund is held at the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation. Any organization working collaboratively with law enforcement agencies on crime prevention programs is eligible to apply for funding.
You can help! Together we can make Winnebago County a safer place to live and work. Crime prevention programs are typically funded through federal, state and local government grants, but these crucial programs are often among the first to be cut from tight budgets. Over the long term, that can be a costly decision.
Our goal is to raise $1 million for the endowment fund, which will generate nearly $40,000 each year for crime prevention efforts.
For more information on ways you can contribute to the Crime Prevention Fund, please e-mail the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation or call (920) 426-3993. You may also contact Erica Geschrei, Winnebago County Community Programs Coordinator at (920) 236-7309.