Community Health Assessment and Improvement Plan

The Community Health Assessment (CHA) is a collaborative, community-centered process to collect, analyze, and share data on the health of the community. Local health departments are required to conduct a CHA to identify gaps and opportunities to improve the health of the population. The CHA is the basis for priority setting, planning, program development, policy changes, coordination of community resources, funding applications, and new ways to collaboratively use community assets.

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What's Next?  The Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)

The Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) is a collaborative effort that involves community planning.  It is guided by the Community Health Assessment (CHA) which helps identify priorities, goals, indicators and strategies.  The CHIP fosters new partnerships, strengthens existing ones, and encourages collaborations among public and private sectors, community-based organizations, and community members.  By working together, we aim to implement strategies to improve community health outcomes.